Thursday, June 30, 2016


Well, we decided on an offer and have our home under contract. Soon we'll have an appraisal and an inspection. Yay-ish. Then we'll be out of our beautiful home that Heavenly Father allowed us to be in for just over a year. With a whole bunch of sadness, we'll be leaving behind family, friends, our amazing home, our spectacular backyard, and everything that we've grown up with. With that sadness comes a hope for a more secure future financially, more family time than currently allowed everyday, and a more flexible schedule to support each other and family members as needed.

Friday, June 24, 2016

Pool Please

There is so much to be grateful for. There are the blessings of my family, AC, a loving husband, great kids, health, clothes that hide my doughnut belly, and I could go on. My favorite at this moment is a pool. A glorious, clean, sparkling, refreshing pool. Today we played in the pool during the hottest part of the day. I was worn out within 20 minutes, but that's because the sun is brutal on my energy. Anyway, the best part was that my second son has gained enough confidence to swim without floaties. He is the dog paddling champion. In fact, I should have him race our dog across the pool. That would be funny. So, thank you Valley of the Sun for inspiring so many people to have pools. If you feel the need to join me in my crystal clear pool, please contact me. Don't worry, the fee is nominal. Just kidding. I am easily bribed by baked goods. Not kidding. Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

YouTube Happy

Sometimes you just need the beat of a good song. Sometimes you just want a laugh. Here are just a few YouTube videos that I can watch when my kids are around:

Justin Timberlake's "Can't Stop the Feeling"
If you weren't on the NSYNC train, you don't like Jimmy Fallon, and you don't like this music video, you might never like Justin Timberlake. Personally, I wouldn't mind being his buddy. #LOLOLOLOLOLOL

Sara Bareilles "Brave"
Pretty much most of her music is great.

Taylor Swift Disney Princess Version "Shake It Off"
A personal favorite version of this song.

This YouTube comedian has some great videos.

Studio C "Aww Yeah"
LOVE Studio C! This one cracks me up EVERY time!!

This one has a curse word in it, so if you want to find the Kids Bop version, feel free to. I really like the wedding crashing (not so crashing) from Maroon 5 "Sugar"

Medhat Mamdouh - Recorder Beatbox "My War"
I have a deep appreciation for the art of Beatboxing. This is my son's favorite video to watch.

I LOVE singing/dancing/lip-syncing in the car. That's all.

Is this still a thing? Idk, but I do know that he actually found the guy that inspired him and made a music video with him soon after posting this.

I like Happy by Pharrell Williams, but there are some songs that you can listen to too much. So I just had to Let It Go.

Anyway, if you have any other favorites I can share with my family, let me know!

One Hot Week

Yay! What a stinkin' HOT week it's been so far! I'm pretty sure Monday dragged on for a long time because of the heat. It also didn't help that my baby didn't want to sleep in his car seat. After many errands, we were finally able to make it to the Lego Discovery Center. The kids played for hours and then they got to pick out their Lego set for swimming across the pool without floaties.

Our second son is still overcoming his anxieties about swimming without floaties, but my husband is good at encouraging him to try hard things. It might seem cruel to some that we force him to do this thing, but if he was ever pushed in or happened to fall into someone's pool unprepared, we like to know that he'd have some sort of idea of what to do to survive it. He is definitely satisfied with doggy paddling right now, and we hope to one day work on stokes. He did go off of the diving board at a public pool and had a blast doing that. So there is happiness in swimming for him. Our daughter, who is younger, has also learned to swim across the pool. Her form is a little different since she doesn't mind putting her head under water to swim. When she uses her arms, she almost takes long strokes and kicks pretty strong. She may or may not take a breath when she lifts her head out of water, which can be a scary moment for her. She, therefore, prefers floaties as well at this moment. Our baby is loving the pool right now. He splashes and laughs, except when being splashed. I'm pretty sure he enjoys it because the water is no longer freezing.

Other than that, we are listing our home for sale this week and are trying not to be crazy as we are getting ready for photos and showings. Anyone need stuff? We've got plenty of it! We feel almost embarrassed to leave our beautiful home with an amazing backyard, which is why we jumped at the opportunity to buy it, but a new job opportunity that would better prepare us for the future is at our door and we are signing up. A few of the benefits would be more family time with dad on a regular basis, opportunities to earn more money without sacrificing more family time than he currently does. Seriously, he's gone for 11 hours each workday whether he is working 4 tens or 8-5 for the week. Yes, I know lots of people have worse working scenarios, but we all get to choose what we do with our lives and personally, we don't want our kid's childhood gone before dad can really spend time with them. So, our fork in the road is taking us out of state to New Mexico. My husband will be selling health and life insurance and any prayers or good thoughts offered in our behalf will be accepted with gratitude. We've already met many of the people he will be working with and they are all kind and helpful. Seriously, this agency is going to be amazing to work with. They all happen to be from the valley as well, so they know exactly what we are going through as we get this started. Here's to a new adventure!

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Happy Father's Day!

A decade ago, just before Father's Day, my own father left this mortal life. My father was not the best example, but he had a constant love for his children. I was one of the blessed children as I was his baby girl for quite some time. I was able to hear his real feelings about my siblings and how he wished he had been a better father. I have always been grateful that my future husband was able to meet my father before he passed.

I am not exaggerating when I say that my husband is a champion! We are not the same. Surprise! We often don't think, react, or enjoy the same things. Yet, despite the obvious differences, we are super compatible in the most important ways. We have similar goals, standards, and desires out of life. When we were dating, I didn't have very many opportunities to see him interact with children. He had one niece at the time and was/is a balloon artist. So, I made some assumptions made about how he would interact with our future children - if we were blessed with such a responsibility. Well, we were blessed with a baby boy 2 1/2 years after our marriage. Every morning that Riley didn't have work he would take our son, who fed every 3 hours like clock work, into the front room and let me rest. He didn't just take the baby, but he sang to him, played his guitar for him, changed his diaper, snuggled him, and probably gave him all types of fatherly advice.

We have had many conversations about the miracle of babies. The fact that a child can form despite all of the barriers a woman's body has in place is a miracle to us. Birth is a rather scary adventure as well. Any child who makes it that far is really a trooper. After that, you can only hope for the safety of their every moment in life. Seriously, so much can go wrong. Yikes! This sounds scary and sad, but opening my perspective to the bigger picture is helpful in carrying on.

Riley has proven to be an intelligent, caring, and playful father to all 4 of our children. He enjoys sharing his childhood favorites with them and supports them in their accomplishments. I know he is not alone in conquering this great role. I rejoice in all men who are able to take responsibility for their posterity and find joy in it. May you have a blessed week as you contemplate the father-like roles of those around you. I can name many men who influenced the way I imagined a father should be. I am grateful everyday for them.

Happy Father's Day & Happy Future Father's Day!

Friday, June 17, 2016

Summer after the baby

Wow! It's been way too long since I've dedicated myself to my new year goal in 2015. I can honestly say that the year didn't turn out quite like I had imagined. Soon after the new year, I found out I was pregnant and spent the next 9 months developing the sweetest little boy. I was induced and he was born on his due date because of two ultra sounds confirming that there was fluid in his kidneys. We've been working with a specialist and are coming nearer to the end of this mystery of why the fluid is staying around. We've been praying that the fluid will empty all on it's own, but surgery to empty it will not be an uncommon ending. We also said good bye to our first home and have been living in our dream home with a resort style backyard. I couldn't believe that my kids would ever tell me that they are bored playing in our backyard park, but they surprised me within the first month.

Other major accomplishments have been potty training a little girl, getting a baby to sleep mostly through the night by 6 months, watching a little boy blossom through his first school experience, and supporting my oldest as he struggled at a new school. All of my kids have surprised me with their love of God and their desires to do what is right, even when my husband and I would be willing to keep quiet about things. That is not to say there isn't a constant stream of teasing, name calling, and fighting going around. We take the good with the bad over here, although we enjoy the good a lot more, as we should.

As my week comes to an end, I am told to expect temperatures of 120. Wow! Thank you Valley of the Sun for giving me the best of the best when it comes to summer heat. Luckily, we had an AC guy come out and tune up our units just like the rest of the residents here. He was booked, but just happened to have 20 minutes when we called him. Best twenty minutes of security of my life, since I have had the AC go out in the middle of summer before. Not fun. Although, I appreciate not being pregnant this summer. It's a rough life even if a pool is within reach every day.

Well, I've always been a terrible journal writer, which is why I'm not surprised a pregnancy and a newborn have kept me from writing on here. Again, I just hold tight to my testimony of God and his love for me, whatever else happens is just a part of life and I can only hope to grow from it. Have a lovely day!

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Happy 2015!!

I always assumed I'd make it to 2015. I'm not that old - unless you ask a kid. So, I usually don't, except when I need a laugh. Unfortunately, I never expected to live in a world where technology is such a main factor of life. I loved computer time when I was at school, but I never really understood the point. Luckily, my teachers did and to this day I remember the little phrases we were tested on to memorize the placement of the keys on the keyboard. "Quick As Zipper" "Wasn't Sue Xcited" "Earl Did Call" and so on... (No index finger picking on the keyboard for this lady.)

I am increasingly intrigued with life and how I fit in and how I don't. There are so many social standards and expectations that I just can't be bothered with right now. I consider it a bonus to get a shower more than twice a week. (I know, some of you are turning green, but know that there are many more relating to me than you think.) I also think it's amazing that I get more than 10 likes on a Facebook post. I know, sad, but is it really? Do I have to impress my  hundreds of "friends" all at once in some fascinating post? No. More than likely, they have too many friends, and now advertisements, to even see what I've posted without the help of notifications. At least that's how I've felt. During the last year I've been missing opportunities to serve and moments to celebrate via Facebook because my feed was so cluttered and distracting. Hence, I started the year off by unfriending a bunch of people. The horror! I know, but really, it got to a point where I needed friends, not opinions, articles, funny videos, or games. I needed someone to call me and ask what my life was about. When was the last time any of those people had called me. Yeah, it had been a long time. I still care about them and wish them the best, so of course I re-friended those who asked again. (So far the number is 3.) Yeah, no one's crying about it. Honestly, if they were and called me to rant, I would have taken them out for dinner just for acting like a friend. You get me? I need more from people than their updates.

Social media can be a useful tool and that's why I don't delete my accounts. I'm just on this fabulous road of learning about what works for me. There is pressure from everywhere to be better. Some of it is valid, and some of it is trash. In lieu of all the trash rolling around in my brain, I have come up with a plan to better myself. I have decided to clear the clutter. I have this WILD IDEA that clearing my home of clutter will allow me to have a place for everything. No, not everything will be in it's place, but making that happen in 15 minutes, instead of several hours on my sacred Saturday, would be a FANTASTIC and welcomed change. I have this other CRAZY idea, that simplifying my day will also lead to more time to play, or serve, or to do as I wish in the moment I wish to do it. Oh, Mary Poppins, what have you done to me. :) But really, it has been marvelous as I come to terms with my most important goals in life and make the changes that I need today.

This past week my bathroom, pantry, and spice drawer were all cleansed from lingering expired things. I also added a few buckets to organize the remaining items. In other aspects of my life, I desire to follow the advise of my church leaders. Making a goal to read the word of God on my own, as well as with my family regularly, is already helping me keep my thoughts on the eternal goals I've made in the past and hope to keep throughout my life. You may or may not believe in God, but I know that doing your best everyday is one way to find satisfaction in life. My best resides in working with God to find my place and happiness. It works for me and it is real to me. What helps you through your day and how will you start to simplify your life?

Last of all, in this post, this is my family and what we look like starting out this new year. My goals are set to help us all overcome the daily and unexpected bumps and pot holes in the road of life. Seriously though, anyone else relating to how hard it is to simplify with such young kids? I didn't even bother to declutter before I had kids. What a waste of time. Haha!


Btw, I'd love for you to ask questions, make comments of worth, and let me know how you're doing. Thanks!